Saturday, July 19, 2008

We still carry on and Derik is still behind bars.

Derik has now completed the programs he was sent back to medium security to do. He was approved for scheduled escorted passes last February. It is now July and he finally received one outing to a linc meeting. His IPO will not do the paperwork for his transfer until he has a couple more passes, but those are not forthcoming. So, there he sits. 16 years into a life-10 bit and he is still no closer to getting out. They are not demandig a confession since we pointed out that is contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. But, they are not facilitating his release.

What does it take to get out of jail in this country?

Apparently it takes a lot of money, lies, sex and videotapes.

If you have any ideas, please post.

Coach Elouise