Friday, May 29, 2009

telephones are not free!

Unfortunately not enough of us are living by this. I know that the Corectional Service of Canada is not following any of the suggestions here.

I just received this month's phone bill. nearly $300.00!

It is only around the 30 dollar mark to have a Telus phone line and us it locally. But, When you have a loved one in prison, there is no economical phone service. At least not here in the west. Derik can only phone us collect. There is minimum connection fee of $1.75. Now if that was it, we could afford it. But, the calls can only be made to another Telus number. That is where the rest of my telephone ill comes from. 47 cents a minute is gouging! I have another service, WestCoast Teltech, which would not ave any long distance charges on it ecause it is a local Victoria number. Unfortunately, Telus will not allow the call to go to that number. $270.00 for 4 phone calls in one month is not reasonable.

Since deregulation of the telephone service providers, the costs have increased by 1300% This is nothing short of holding prisoners hostage. Most prisoners families are in low income groups. Exhorbitant phone bills prevent the maintenance of family ties, community involvement, and rehabilitation. It places undue hardship on the families at a time when support is needed most.

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. ~ Lewis B. Smedes Most of us carry around anger, resentment, jealousy, or some other negative emotion directed to other...

So where is this anger generated by the unfair telephone system being directed? The telephone company is too hard to be angry with, you need the service to communicate. So, the anger is directed at the powers that be in the prisons. To the prisoner and his family, this is where the restrictions appear to be coming from. This does not lead towards the rehabilitation that is preached by the system. Some will lash out somehow, and the angrier they are, the more damaging the lashing.

It is more than enough punishment to be locked up. no more!

Please write to Canada's Prime Mnister and the Minister of Justice at Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0A1

Coach Elouise
Skype coach_elouise

Saturday, May 9, 2009

American injustice.

When I was younger, I listened a lot to Johnny Cash. I loved his gravely voice. Often times the songs he wrote and sang were sad. This was one I liked.

But that was before my son went to prison for a crime he did not commit. Now it is harder to listen to because of the life my son has had for the past 17 years. He was arrested at the young age of 17, and has been inside the prison since he was 19. He has been in Solitary confinement, and in general population. He has witnessed things that no one should ever have to see. Murders, drug overdoses, stabbings, suicides, and the list goes on.

He has been in a dark place for a very long time. Talk about missing someone, he has missed the birth of his neice; his girlfriend could not take the prison, so she stopped visiting. Now he is so far from home, it is difficult for me to visit.

A very dear friend sent me a link to a website that brought out a strong sense of Deja Vue.

Please help this man to clear himself and put the justice system right. He is a non violent man with no past criminal record who has been wrongfully convicted by the federal justice system. He was convicted solely on circumstantial evidence and nothing was proven during trial. The judge made this statement herself during sentencing.

There is, however, evidence to show that another person closely involved with Daniel (defendant) was responsible. The case was not properly investigated. Besides that - important evidence was destroyed at the police station before the FBI ever became involved. This evidence could have cleared Daniel of all charges had it not been destroyed forever by the police department.

All we ask is for a new trial and new investigation into this case. Why keep someone in prison for a crime they did not commit and allow the guilty party to walk free? Please help us! Even if Daniel were pardoned or his sentence commuted, he still plans on proving his innocence. It is a matter of principle. If you would like more information about this case please email me at

I am Daniel's outside contact. If you want to help and need more details I would be happy to speak with you after initial email contact.
Thank for reading this.

Unless he gets the chance to prove his innocence, the rest of his life is ruined and for a crime he did not commit.

The similarities to my son's case are astounding.

compare them.

If you feel compelled to help, please write letters to the Prime Minister of Canada, at Parliament Buildings, 80 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0A2

Also visit the young man's site in the USA and add your signature to his petition.

Friday, May 1, 2009

It is a beautiful, sunny day here in Chilliwack. My heart still has an ache in to for Derik

I remember so many times telling him you cannot be convicted of a crime if you were not there. They cannot convict without any physical evidence. I have so painfully learned that is not true. You CAN be convicted without any physical evidence to put you on a crime scene. It happened to Derik.

All you need is the following:

1. a Judge who is biased and hates teenaged boys with a passion, someone like the late Thomas Fisher.

2 police officers who are not experienced in criminal investigations, such as the Delta Police.

3. incompetent police officers in charge ofkeeping case files straight, such as the Delta Police.

4. a prosecutor who is out to win at all costs, including not disclosing evidence supporting the accused, misplacing evidence, using fear tactics to witnesses, and generally obfuscating things in court.

5. a defense lawyer whose inexperience and arrogance lead him to believe he is next to God and the system is fair.

There were more items leading to this wrongful conviction, but it happened. It happened in Canada. Canada's justice system is flawed as is any system devised by man.

I am waiting for the sunny day when we finally can get at the truth.