Friday, May 1, 2009

It is a beautiful, sunny day here in Chilliwack. My heart still has an ache in to for Derik

I remember so many times telling him you cannot be convicted of a crime if you were not there. They cannot convict without any physical evidence. I have so painfully learned that is not true. You CAN be convicted without any physical evidence to put you on a crime scene. It happened to Derik.

All you need is the following:

1. a Judge who is biased and hates teenaged boys with a passion, someone like the late Thomas Fisher.

2 police officers who are not experienced in criminal investigations, such as the Delta Police.

3. incompetent police officers in charge ofkeeping case files straight, such as the Delta Police.

4. a prosecutor who is out to win at all costs, including not disclosing evidence supporting the accused, misplacing evidence, using fear tactics to witnesses, and generally obfuscating things in court.

5. a defense lawyer whose inexperience and arrogance lead him to believe he is next to God and the system is fair.

There were more items leading to this wrongful conviction, but it happened. It happened in Canada. Canada's justice system is flawed as is any system devised by man.

I am waiting for the sunny day when we finally can get at the truth.

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